Apple Tips and Tricks

Tips & Tricks
3 min readOct 26, 2023


Mac gadgets, be it iPhones, iPads, or Macintoshes, have turned into a necessary piece of our lives. With their instinctive UI and consistent combination, they have reformed the manner in which we convey, work, and play. Whether you’re a carefully prepared Apple client or simply beginning, here are a few hints and deceives that will assist you with capitalizing on your gadget.

1. Coordinate your home screen

Your home screen is the main thing you see each time you get your iPhone, so it’s vital to keep it coordinated. You can improve your applications by holding down on any application until they begin to shake, then hauling it to its ideal area. To make an organizer, basically drag one application on top of another. You can likewise change the foundation of your home screen by going to “Settings” > “Backdrop” > “Pick Another Backdrop.”

2. Use Siri for without hands help

Siri is a remote helper that can assist you with many errands, from setting suggestions to tracking down bearings. To enact Siri, just hold down the home button or say “Hello Siri” on the off chance that you have “Hello Siri” empowered. You can likewise utilize Siri without hands by saying “Hello Siri” while your iPhone is associated with power.

3. Immediately explore your iPhone

One-gave route is particularly significant on the off chance that you have a bigger iPhone. You can initiate Reachability by twofold tapping the home button, which will bring the highest point of the screen down reachable. You can likewise swipe down from the upper right corner of your screen to get to Control Center, which gives you speedy admittance to ordinarily utilized highlights like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and the spotlight.

4. Exploit Progression

Progression is a component that permits you to flawlessly switch between your Macintosh and iPhone. For instance, in the event that you’re working on a Pages record on your Macintosh and need to step away, you can get your iPhone and keep dealing with a similar report. Coherence additionally permits you to settle on and get telephone decisions and send and get instant messages from your Macintosh.

5. Use AirDrop to share documents rapidly

AirDrop is a component that permits you to rapidly and effectively divide documents among your Apple gadgets. Basically drag a document to the AirDrop symbol in the sidebar of a Locater window on your Macintosh, or tap the “Offer” button in any application on your iPhone or iPad. The beneficiary will get a warning and can acknowledge or decline the record.

6. Take screen captures on your iPhone or iPad

To take a screen capture on your iPhone or iPad, essentially press the home button and the power button simultaneously. The screen capture will be consequently saved to your Photographs application.

7. Use Family Sharing to share buys

Family Sharing is an element that permits up to six individuals to share buys produced using the Application Store, iTunes Store, and iBooks Store. Essentially go to “Settings” > “iCloud” > “Set Up Family Sharing” and adhere to the directions.

8. Take advantage of iCloud

iCloud is a cloud-based help that permits you to store and access your records, photographs, and different documents from all your Apple gadgets. You can likewise utilize iCloud to keep your contacts, schedules, and updates in a state of harmony across the entirety of your gadgets. To set up iCloud, essentially go to “Settings” > “iCloud” and adhere to the guidelines.

9. Save battery duration

You can save battery duration on your iPhone by turning on Low Power Mode, which lessens execution and impairs a few highlights when your battery level is low. To turn on Low Power Mode, go to “Settings” > “



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